
Connect with us, if you are looking to:

  • Hear about what other former Y.O.U.ers are doing, or would like to share what you are currently doing.

  • Participate in Alumni Events.

  • Learn more about Y.O.U. History.

  • Network with like-minded individuals.

  • Find other Y.O.U.ers with similar interests and passions.

  • Or anything else yet to be dreamed of!

Our network is interested in seeing how Youth Of Unity Alumni lives their lives now.

The Youth of Unity Alumni Network is a community and organization centered on connecting former Youth of Unity participants, regardless of generation or region.

Even more exciting is watching how easily alumni from different backgrounds connect.

We believe Y.O.U. creates some of the most amazing people in the world--regardless of when we attended or where it was.

Latest Updates

500 by 90 -Monthly Meetings to support International Y.O.U.

We are excited to announce the launch of six top teams as part of the Five Hundred by Ninety initiative. These teams have been created to address the most pressing needs of the Youth of Unity (Y.O.U.) community, and are the result of the latest 500x90 virtual conversation series. The teams are Chapter Support, Lifelong Unity Membership, Homecoming After Y.O.U., Social Media, Village, and Fundraising.Each team has a specific focus and will meet regularly to work on their goals. We encourage everyone to sign up and join the team that resonates most with their interests and skills. By working together, we can directly help the international Y.O.U. community and make a positive impact. Learn more about 500x90 and register today at 500x90.youalumni.com

500 by 90 - The 3rd Conversation is now available

The live recording of the 3rd and finaal Five Hundred by Ninety virtual conversation series is now available for everyone to watch. This led us to create the system of monthly conversations moving forward to support IYOU. Watch it here.

Learn about the earliest days of Y.O.U.

Youth of Unity was actually founded as Young People's Christian Unity, or Y.P.C.U. The first chapter was at the original Unity church, also known as 9th and Tracy, April 15, 1922. Other Chapters were also active before our first conference. Learn more about this at our recently updated history site.

500 by 90 - The 2nd Conversation is now available

The live recording of the 2nd Five Hundred by Ninety virtual conversation series is now available for everyone to watch. The second conversation, Come Together, led to the creation of six top teams to address Y.O.U.'s most pressing needs, while the final conversation, Inspired Action, is set to take place on May 11, 2023. Watch it here.

90s Conference Videos

Recently we put up all 5 of the 1990s Y.O.U. Conference videos we have. Check out the entire playlist on our YouTube.

Archives of Past Events

Since the inception of our first virtual rally, it became evident that we needed to keep an archive of our work.See content from our all three of our previous rallies.

Community Connection

Join us where you are now! We have various media platforms for those interested to connect on--please become a part of our community: we are happy and honored that you are here!


Formally established in 2013, the Youth of Unity Alumni Network serves as a way to connect the former members of YOU wherever you might be right now. We honor our history and respect who you are in this present moment.See this powerful website to learn more about the History of Youth of Unity from when it began in the mid-1930s to now.


We are a global network with strong roots in small communities.We are cultivating an organic movement to connect awesome people who are doing awesome things.Click here to learn more about the networking opportunities currently available and coming soon.


All of the work within this vibrant Alumni Network is done by a group of incredibly devoted volunteers.Click here to learn more about the specific missions we are currently embarking upon and ways in which you can help.


Your support is valuable-and it makes a variety of dreams and visions happen.It also helps us create a sustainable Youth Of Unity Alumni Network.
As an organization, we are able to continue growing through the dedication of our volunteers and your financial contributions.
Learn more about donating to support our mission here.

What is the Youth Of Unity Alumni Network?

The Youth of Unity Alumni Network is a community and organization centered on connecting former Youth of Unity participants, regardless of generation or region.We formed as a community in 2013 with the establishment of our Facebook group and have continued growing since then. Since then we have had dreams of becoming a more formal organization which is our ongoing primary goal.Within the two years, we have hosted four entirely virtual rallies with hundreds of attendees.This network has given a new platform for many individuals to connect with and grow alongside one another. We aim to honor the past, present, and future lives of our Alumni members. We hope that you will join our mission to connect and foster betterment for all.

Join our email list.

Keep up to date with all things that are going on with the YOU Alumni Network!Join our email list below.